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Clas­sic mas­sage

Clas­sic mas­sage

Klassisk massasje utøves ved rytmisk knaing og strekking av muskler. Dette lindrer smerte, reduserer muskelspenninger, stimulerer blod- og lymfesirkulasjonen, regulerer hormonbalansen og reduserer stress. Massasjen har effekt både lokalt og i hele kroppen.

Egnet hvis du har vondt i musklene eller bare ønsker å slappe av med en god massasje.

Viktigste fordeler:

Thai medi­cal mas­sage

Thai medi­cal mas­sage

Thai medical massage is a deep tissue massage designed to relieve severe tension in the muscle and the connective tissue or fascia. This type of massage focuses on the muscles located below the surface of the top muscles. Thai medical massage is recommended for individuals who experience consistent pain, are involved in heavy physical activity (such as athletes), and patients who have sustained physical injury. It is not uncommon for receivers of Thai medical massage to have their pain replaced with a new muscle ache or stiffness for a day or two.

Suitable if you have stiff and painful muscles.

Main benefits:

Does not relieve pain caused by infection or disorder in the nervous system.

Thai face and head mas­sage

Thai face and head mas­sage

Thai face and head massage uses techniques of traditional Thai massage – in this case on the face and head. The massage improves head blood flow and thus brings a feeling of relief. It helps with headache, migraine and also relieves stress and support mental release.

Main benefits:

Foot mas­sage

Foot mas­sage

Foot massage is a traditional Chinese art for prevention and treatment of diseases for over 3000 years. Foot reflexology is based on the premise that our nerve zones or reflex points go from the bottom of our feet to the top of our head, encompassing all vital organs on the way. The massage therapist presses and massages the feet using both hands and a wooden stick to stimulate the body’s organs. The foot massage starts by soaking and cleaning the feet in warm water. After that the massage therapist scrubs your feet and then applies cream or oil to add comfort and ease the the massage. Since the energy lines in our body run all the way our feet, it not uncommon to get into a state of full body relaxation from a foot massage alone.

Main benefits:

Body spa with scrub and aro­ma­the­rapy/oil mas­sage

Body spa with scrub and aro­ma­the­rapy/oil mas­sage

Body Spa is skin care of the whole body, including body scrubs and massage.

Main benefits: